Sunday, 17 June 2012

Snakes Tattoo Designs

Snakes Tattoo Designs
Many snake tattoos feature a scene of some sort. The snake charmer is one interesting idea; a long-bearded man sitting in the midst of a busy street scene; a dark, hypnotized snake dancing like smoke from inside a woven basket. The cobra can also be shown wrapped around the image of a sleeping Buddha, protecting him from the sun with his vast neck and head. You could also show a more provocative image of the goddess Coatlicue  whose skirt and face were said to be made up of many serpents placed in a somber setting to signify both the life and death that she was said to hold sway over.

Tattoos of snakes are the most famous among men. This is due to the pictorial representation of the snakes are usually bloody and purple, which are preferred by most women. Snake tattoos for men can be found in various sizes and lengths and is one of the designs that can be taken anywhere in the body. The following paragraphs are some information about these snakes unique tattoo designs are still popular.Meaning of snake tattoosWhile some tattoo design has a special significance because they are used for their structural beauty, tattoos of snakes have both. They can be turned in the best tattoos we could find, and have symbolic meanings. There are different symbolic meanings of a snake in the diversity of cultures found throughout the world. Some of the popular meaning is “rebirth, fertility, balance, protection, processing, reclamation and duality.


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