Friday, 25 May 2012

Snakes Tattoo Designs

Snakes Tattoo Designs
Snakes are most commonly featured in the Japanese tradition of full body suits. You would find snake tattoos to be used in combination with blossoms. The particular symbolism and meaning associated with Japanese snake tattoos varies intensely. Unlike the Christian community, where having a snake tattoo on your body would be looked down upon due to the biblical representation of the animal, in the Japanese culture the snake is something that is revered.

Most people prefer snake tattoos that use a realistic depiction. The image of a red and black ‘scarlet’ snake, or deep black ‘racer’ snake coiling around an arm, leg or perfectly straight along the length of the spine, are not uncommon pieces to see. A large portrait-type image of a cobra that seems to be on the verge of striking from out of the skin is another good example of the realistic approach. An interesting spin on this idea is of the lifelike snake actually piercing its fangs into the tattoo wearer’s skin.

Snake tattoos do not necessarily have to show the whole snake. Because of the colorful nature of this reptile’s scales, it can easily be utilized to create a unique armband, or even cover larger areas of the body. These scales overlap and have an appearance akin to a softly diamond shaped tile. Each row of scales can be a different color; Western coral snakes, for instance have perfectly straight and vivid red, black and white scales; a timber rattlesnake generally has wavy lines in varying shades of steel gray and black.


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